ABHAY VERMA          
WORK           RESUME             ABOUT

My Role

• Collaborated across different teams within the organization to fulfill design requirements
• Worked with product designers on various UI/UX elements to improve the web and mobile experience
• Created brand promotional campaign to tap on the existing and non-existing users
• Applied visual design principles to create social media presence and establish brand identity
• Collaborated with Visual Designers, Copywriters, Content creators, and Product designers, to work on the Visual design aspect of different projects
• Received the recognition as Relevel Aces which is awarded to the most productive team member

    Owing to a confidentiality agreement with Relevel, I am unable to disclose specific details about the research, scenarios, insights, and solutions of this project in a public setting. However, if you're interested in learning more about this work, please feel free to contact me at
© Abhay Verma 2023 |  All rights reserved
Mail: abhay_v@nid.edu           LinkedIn